Provider Overview
Access East Medicaid Care Management works in close partnership with regional providers in a combined effort to manage North Carolina’s Medicaid population of often high-risk, chronically ill patients.
- Our specific patient population within our 34-county service area:
Medicaid enrollees - Children in N.C. Health Choice
- Select Medicare, dually eligible Medicare/Medicaid, and privately insured enrollees
- Our specific patient population within our 34-county service area:
Access East adheres to a patient-centered medical home model to promote integrated communities of care, coordinating appropriate, evidence-based, cost-effective quality healthcare services designed to improve health outcomes and reduce costs.
- Our programs, outlined in the side menu, at right, focusing on improving the health status of our Medicaid patients across our 34-county service area.
- Our Access East Medicaid Care Management teams.
- Our Access East Medicaid Care Management Pharmacy Team.
- NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB). A link to the online home of the state agency, part of the NC Department of Health and Human Services, that manages N.C. Medicaid and Health Choice.